About Jan
Jan Goldstein is the author of two national fiction bestsellers, All That Matters and The Prince of Nantucket,recently optioned for film. His work has been translated into more than a dozen foreign languages and has been selected for the New York Times Hot List.
Praise for Jan's Novels
“…has the momentum of The Da Vinci Code -- Goldstein's knack for tapping into the female psyche is astonishing."
—Pearl Chen, Barnes & Noble National Review
“Goldstein unabashedly, effectively yanks readers' heartstrings. If you think you won't cry a little, you're wrong."
—Publishers Weeky
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I look back at March of this year 2020 and it seems that time stopped and, yet, didn’t. So much has been altered. Our hearts are full to breaking with both coronavirus and longstanding issues over race. At many points I have felt overwhelmed, how about you? It is more than natural to feel out…